Song 发表于 2014-6-9 11:01:39

Color Me Rad

虽然爱丁堡没有Color Run不过这个Color Me Rad也还是很不错的,尤其是天气好的时候,比如说。。昨天。不知道有没有去玩的小伙伴呢?错过了也没有关系,8月23号的Livingston/Glasgow 场次依然还可以注册,现在EBR的9点场已经没有了,好玩得别错过哈 该贴已经同步到 Song的微博

Song 发表于 2014-6-9 11:02:04

Song 发表于 2014-6-9 11:02:31

Vera 发表于 2014-6-18 09:59:48

**** Hidden Message *****

Song 发表于 2014-6-18 12:08:59

For 志愿者,任务:

[*]On race day we need help under the tent selling Rad Swag and accepting same day registrations for runners on the morning of the event. Get involved, no need for sunscreen, and stay clean at the same time.(7:00am-12:30pm)

[*]Colour Bomber- This job will require unflinching courage in the face of thousands of multi-coloured runners, repeated bending, and light sweeping. Please be advised that light coloured clothing and shoes worn by Colour Bombers will likely never be the same again.(7:00am-12:30pm)

[*]Water/ Colour Packet station- Each runner gets water and a colour packet and they can't grip firmly enough to grab these things for themselves. They're like infants in that way. We need people to hand them out. (7:00am-12:30pm)

[*]Control Freak- with a smile, we have vols at the start and finish line helping the runners know where to go and when. You just point them in the right direction and watch them go!(7:00am-12:30pm)

Song 发表于 2014-7-22 11:36:06

Vera 发表于 2014-6-18 09:59
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