12.07.05 edioi.com homepage fetch BBS recent posts. by improved short code.
12.07.03 Discuz X2.5 minor update 0701
12.06.25 贴内聚合
12.06.25 统一按钮风格
12.06.25 去掉帖子底部“人人喜欢按钮”
游客,本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 60 才可浏览,您当前积分为 0
12.06.24 debug of xweibo plugin 3tokis_gvw.php error. rewrite call_user_func_array method, disable zend loader.
12.06.13 修正新浪微博通信接口 http://edioi.com/bbs/thread-471-1-1.html
12.05.03 BBS updated to Discuz! X2.5
12.05.03 Top-right padding .y CSS mod.
12.04.09 Issue: BBS jwplayer cannot be toggled full screen. Add allowfullscreen="true" to the <embed> tag solved this problem (rather than adding "allowfullscreen" Param).
12.04.06 Updated the BBS theme, the background was set to repeat vertical. PNG files were optimized by using PngOptimizer.
12.04.02 Main site theme was updated (Carta).
12.05.15 col-mbg tag added for homepage use. |