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签证求助……关于appendix 8里的一些选项




发表于 2013-6-7 18:00:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5.4 Unless you are exempt under differentiation arrangements, you must send all of the original certificate(s) of qualification
# h" x. z! W; S! E/ Wand/or original transcripts of results and/or references that are listed in the CAS. You must get this information from your Tier 4  \$ G8 ^0 `7 n/ N% U
sponsor.【这里说必须send CAS里列出的各种文件的原件,是指send给谁啊?然后我就不知道选下面哪个了……不是很明白意思orz】
2 i9 H# s: x+ e/ b
+ _8 N: `, ~4 z9 w9 ]6 vPut a cross (X) in the box to confirm you have done so if this
$ ?, Y9 U7 `+ sapplies to you) I' o2 g2 `" a  @5 H# z8 w1 f
- H" k1 n, }7 |6 \7 P- ]# G
Put a cross (X) in the box to confirm evidence not required
! ^. Y: o- N2 C" T: }under guidance, but held by applicant.2 G( D* o* s8 c$ I; ^: `

2 Q3 I7 M1 B/ j: D/ M求解……
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